Modern SOC Teams

Get the only complete cloud incident response solution

Our tools and team empower you to root out and respond to cloud and SaaS attacks 70x faster.

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Trusted by leaders for cloud and SaaS response

See how enterprises respond in the cloud with confidence

"Mitiga has a very elegant solution that enables companies to respond to sophisticated attacks in their cloud and SaaS environments immediately."

Cloud Data Preparedness

Expert-led assessments ensure our Cloud Security Data Lake gathers the needed cloud and SaaS data continually, giving you full visibility into your cloud and SaaS logs for one predictable cost, even as environments change.

Cloud Threat Detection

Mitiga surfaces events across your cloud and SaaS footprint, enabling your team to investigate or escalate. Plus, our cloud IR team triages your events to proactively investigate potential concerns, providing insights and continuous coverage.

Cloud Threat Hunting

A comprehensive threat hunting program designed to uncover attacks in your cloud and SaaS environments that have managed to bypass other detection, powered by our Cloud Attack Scenario Library (CASL). Learn more.

Cloud Investigation and Response

Automating time-intensive investigation processes and delivering insights in a single pane of glass for all stakeholders. Plus, Investigation Workbench brings SOC teams even more visibility and control to investigate, without deep cloud knowhow.